Careers by Design: Building a Professional Development Blueprint

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Register now for new sessions of Careers by Design: Building a Professional Development Blueprint, hosted by Medicine by Design’s Healthy and Inclusive Labs Committee. The series continues on Monday, April 26 from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. with a discussion on Individual Development Plan (IDP).

This five-part workshop series aims to foster healthy lab environments that support the inclusion and well-being of all members, while empowering graduate students, post-doctoral fellows and research/scientific associates to realize their academic and professional goals. All workshops will be led by Nana Lee, PhD, Director, Graduate Professional Development & Mentorship, and Assistant Professor in the departments of Biochemistry & Immunology at the University of Toronto (U of T).

Monday, April 26 – Workshop #2 : Creating Your Individual Development Plan

Trainees will begin the process of creating their Individual Development Plan and will receive feedback on best avenues to attain their SMART goals and an overview of diverse career options. The workshop will build on our first session in March, which introduced the Individual Development Plan, a tool developed by the Healthy and Inclusive Labs Committee to support trainee well-being and success.

If you missed the first session, you can still participate in the workshop series. The recording from Workshop 1 will be available on our website and shared via email next week.

*Once registered, you will be automatically enrolled in the remaining workshops. 

This series is for trainees in past and/or current Medicine by Design-funded labs. To gain the full benefit of the program, it is recommended that participants attend all sessions.

If you have any immediate questions regarding this program, please contact us at

Workshop schedule:

*All workshops will take place from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m.

  • Workshop 1: Monday, March 29 – Recording will be available next week.

    Individual Development Plans Intro – Optimizing Research Productivity and Professional Development

    At the end of this workshop, both faculty and mentees (students and postdocs) will have an understanding of how to effectively use the AAAS individual development plan to plan SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals in research productivity and career development while using the tool for optimal mentorship.

  • Workshop 2: Monday, April 26 – NEXT Session

    Creating Your Individual Development Plans

    Learners will be given peer and instructor-led feedback on best avenues to attain their SMART goals and an overview of the multiple career options available for them.

  • Workshop 3: Monday, May 31

    Meaningful Engagement

    Participants will gain an understanding of introductory design-thinking principles to brainstorm their wayfinding purpose compass around what they love, are good at and care about. We will also discuss specific action items for learners to help make their dream purpose a reality.

  • Workshop 4: Monday, June 28


    At the end of this workshop, trainees will understand the difference between an academic and non-academic job application (CV vs resume), how to write the stellar cover letter, and gain tips on interviewing and a LinkedIn presence.

  • Workshop 5: Monday, July 26

    Wellness and Equity Diversity and Inclusion in Professional and Career Development

    The goal of this workshop is to introduce or re-emphasize the concepts of an equity-minded scholar, allyship and wellness issues and how to bring these concepts into daily practice as a graduate student, postdoctoral fellow or faculty member towards any career.

  • Workshop 6: Monday, August 30

    Implementation/Feedback on Job Applications

    At the end of this workshop, trainees will receive peer feedback (guided by the instructor) on their job applications to any career of their choice and a big picture review of workshops I-IV to strategically move forward in their professional and career development.

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