Event details at a glance
Date: Thursday, December 8, 2022
Time: 8:15 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Venue: MaRS Auditorium, 101 College Street or virtual
Poster session: Posters will be displayed during the symposium. Trainees will be available to discuss their work on Dec. 8 between 11:35 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.
Registration: Online registration is now closed, if you wish to attend virtually please email info.mbd@utoronto.ca
About the symposium
Join us for the seventh annual Medicine by Design symposium, “Grand Questions in Regenerative Medicine.” The symposium will bring together principal investigators and trainees from across the University of Toronto and its affiliated hospitals, along with industry partners, the investment community, government, the not-for-profit sector and international collaborators.
We will also hold a poster session featuring the research of select trainees working on Medicine by Design-funded projects.
Sessions and speakers
Session 1 – Outperforming Nature: Rejuvenation and Synthetic Biology
Moderator: Maryam Faiz, Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, University of Toronto
Invited speaker
“Stem cell aging and rejuvenation”
Dr. Thomas Rando – Director, Broad Stem Cell Research Center, and Professor, Department of Neurology and Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology, University of California, Los Angeles
Medicine by Design speakers
- “How do you solve a problem like ischemia?”
Michael Garton – Assistant Professor, Institute of Biomedical Engineering, University of Toronto - “Accelerating the identification of skeletal muscle endogenous repair modulators”
Penney Gilbert – Associate Professor, Institute of Biomedical Engineering, University of Toronto - “origamiFISH: universal, label-free imaging of DNA nanodevices in cells and tissues”
Wendy Wang – Post-Doctoral Fellow, Institute of Biomedical Engineering, University of Toronto
Session 2 – Deconstructing Cell Fate and Morphogenesis
Moderator: Jesse Gillis, Associate Professor, Department of Physiology, University of Toronto
Invited speakers
“New genomic technologies to deconstruct cell identity in reprogramming and development”
Samantha Morris – Associate Professor, Department of Developmental Biology and Genetics, Washington University in St. Louis
Medicine by Design speakers
- “Recording cell experiences to understand the rules of cellular programming”
Alison McGuigan – Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry, University of Toronto - “Emerging biophysical rules of morphogenesis”
Dr. Sevan Hopyan – Senior Scientist, Program in Developmental and Stem Cell Biology, The Hospital for Sick Children - “Genetically engineering single cells and clones in vivo to study tissue architecture and cancer initiation”
Katie Teng – PhD Candidate, Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute, Sinai Health System
Keynote speaker
Moderator: Gary Bader, Professor, Department of Molecular Genetics, University of Toronto
“Cell atlases as roadmaps in development”
Aviv Regev – Head and Executive Vice President, Genentech Research and Early Development, Genentech
Session 3 – Decoding the Epigenome
Moderator: Chao Wang, Scientist, Biological Sciences Platform, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
Invited speaker
“Epigenome actuation – engineered protein regulators that translate the epigenetic code”
Karmella Haynes – Assistant Professor, Wallace H. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering, Emory University
Medicine by Design speakers
- “Stemness properties are encoded in the chromatin”
Mathieu Lupien – Senior Scientist, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, University Health Network - “The role of LINE1 in early human embryonic cell-fate transitions”
Juan Zhang – Postdoctoral Fellow, Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute, Sinai Health System
Session 4 – Cell Therapies for Better Outcomes and Better Access
Moderator: Matthew Buechler – Assistant Professor, Department of Immunology, University of Toronto
Invited speaker
“Finding solutions to the challenges facing T-cell therapies for malignancy”
Cliona Rooney – Director, Translational Research Laboratories, Center for Cell and Gene Therapy, and Professor, Department of Pediatric, Baylor College of Medicine
Medicine by Design speakers
- “The development of hardware and molecular technologies for improving access to cell therapies”
Keith Pardee – Associate Professor, Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Toronto - “Harnessing post-transcriptional circuitries to advance hematopoietic stem cell-driven regenerative therapies”
Kristin Hope – Senior Scientist, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, University Health Network - “Exploring the cell therapy potential of human innate lymphoid cells to improve outcomes following haematopoietic stem cell transplant”
Kyle Reid – PhD Candidate, Toronto General Hospital Research Institute, UHN
Poster session
The symposium will feature an in-person poster session to highlight the innovative research taking place in Medicine by Design-funded labs. The posters will be judged and prizes will be available for top posters, most translational research and people’s choice.
All attendees are encouraged to browse the posters, which will be displayed during the symposium. Trainees whose posters are featured in the session will be available to discuss their work on December 8, between 11:35 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.