Breaking the Myth of Objectivity

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Medicine by Design’s Healthy and Inclusive Labs committee invites you to “Breaking the Myth of Objectivity,” an event that will focus on the role of bias in quantitative data. The speakers will discuss why all good science should be equitable science, along with practical and concrete tools to identify and account for biases in quantitative data.



heather Krause



Heather Krause, PStat
CEO, We All Count and Datassist, Inc.



Azadeh Yadollahi


Azadeh Yadollahi, PhD
Senior Scientist, Toronto Rehabilitation Institute,
University Health Network
Thematic Program Inequity Co-Lead, Data Sciences Institute




University Professor Molly Shoichet


Molly Shoichet, PhD
Chair, Medicine by Design Healthy & Inclusive Labs Committee
University Professor & Michael E Charles Professor in Chemical Engineering, University of Toronto

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